You can call me Hardy

HKUST (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) undergraduate

FRONT-END work showcase: Colythme

Contributor to: GameDevMind, GameDevMind-EN


  • Programming Languages - C++ | C# | Python | Html | JavaScript | CSS | Solidity | MIPS
  • Framework - OpenCV | Vue.js | Three.js | Flask | Pomelo.js
  • Game Engine - Unity | Unreal Engine
  • Various algorithm including - Dynamic Programming | Math Theory | Graph Theory | Data Structure | etc..
  • Social Information Network Analysis and Engineering
  • Machine Learning including - CV | NLP | RL | Generator | Transformer | GNN
  • Computer Organization - ALU | ISA | Processor (datapath & control) pipeline | memory hierarchy
  • Cloud Server usage | Docker usage
  • Web3 - Blockchain principles | Cryptography | Solidity Smart Contract (SC) programming
  • Finance - Intermediate Investment | Python Quantitative Trading programming